Intelligent Digital Assistants Personalize Shopping for Every Customer!

Create shopping experiences that delight customers with their very own shopping assistant that learns all about them!

We can help you launch a customized, pilot Intelligent Digital Assistant trained with your data within weeks. Every customer interaction becomes more personalized, with proactive suggestions that will delight. Custom applications include retail, fashion, gifts, menu/food, other.

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The New Value Exchange

The new AI value exchange

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What We Do

Galahad’s team provides AI services for mid- and large-size companies and their marketing/agency partners that include developing custom digital assistants.

These use a combination of big data, decision optimization, deep learning and interactive AI to create unprecedented personalized experiences that truly delight and engage each customer.

This initially involves our working with large sets of customer or other data covering a period of several months or more, with appropriate protections for privacy and confidentiality.

How Digital Assistants Reshape Marketing – Example  

Intelligent Digital Assistants Personalize Shopping for Every Customer!

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